Why do we do API automation testing?
API represents the Application Programming Interface. Normally an API is utilized to encourage the association between two unique applications by utilizing any way of communication. At the point when APIs are utilized over web systems, we term them as “Web Services.” as of late APIs have turned into the foundation of programming. As in an application, composing APIs to speak with a database or with another module has turned into a typical practice now and that is the reason as a tester we should test the APIs for greatest test inclusion.
As a piece of integration testing, API testing can quicken speed and increment proficiency. As the majority of the organizations are utilizing RESTful microservices/APIs at the business layer, API testing automation has turned into a basic part of the test plan for any release.
API is a service that encourages two unique applications to interact with one another. Most APIs are utilized to extract the business rationale and direct database access to any application.
Three Layers of API Testing
Presentation Layer — This is the UI (GUI) that is available to end clients. QA performs useful testing at this layer.
Business Layer-This is the application UI where the logic is composed. In specialized terms, this is the place where coding and logics resides.
DataBase Layer-Where application information is available.
As such, the API is the central brain of our associated world. It is the arrangement of devices, conventions, benchmarks, and code that pastes our digital world together. As a result of their dynamic nature and abilities they give, APIs enable organizations to turn out to be more Agile, things to go portable, and everything to cooperate in a streamlined, incorporated manner. In this way, API testing will be trying APIs at the administration level and at the integration level.
While testing APIs, a tester should focus on utilizing software to make API brings so as to get an output before watching and logging the framework’s reaction. In particular, tests that the API restores a right reaction or output under fluctuating conditions. Results are one of these three:
- A Pass or Fail status
- Data or information
- A call to another API
API automation testing is one of the most challenging parts of the entire chain of software testing and QA testing since it attempts to guarantee that our advanced lives keep running in a highly consistent and effective way. While developers will in general test just the functionalities they are taking a shot at, testers’ responsibility is to testing both individual functionalities and an arrangement or chain of functionalities, finding how they cooperate from start to finish.